This poem was written under the influence of Billy Joel's Glass Houses...
I almost married a girl who looked like Kim Basinger.
Over ten years later, my pain still lingers.
I'm like any other dude, I want a hot chick.
But I don't want a crazy girl who'll make my heart sick.
And that's what she did, she just messed with my head.
She hurt me 'til the point that I wished I was dead.
But the worst part was, she broke me forever.
Will I ever be right again? Probably never.
It can ruin your life, having a girl that's hot.
It sets a high standard, and you can't be with one who's not.
I know that's a shallow statement, but for me it's true.
I can't score another one, so I don't know what to do.
I saw her just recently, and she still looked good.
If I said I wanted her back, I think that she would.
Many would say, “You're crazy, what would you do that for?”
The answer is real simple: “I don't want to be alone anymore.”
I can't take it no more, and I know this sounds real sad.
But nobody else will have me, so what choice do I have?