Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm Writing You A Night Poem To Tell You How I Feel...

(A Poem Inspired By DRIVE)

I want to be a stone-cold dude,
that's right, just like The Driver.

I wouldn't flinch, I wouldn't hurt,
and I'd never be a cryer.

The Driver was a good guy,
even though he worked for crooks.

But he wouldn't hesitate to stab their asses,
just ask Albert Brooks.

I'd drive real fast and drive real good,
for the highest paying racket.

And I'd keep myself alone and armored
in a bad ass Scorpion Jacket.

Sometime's I'd have someone to love
and allow myself to feel.

But I wouldn't let it last too long,
because I know that love ain't real.

I'll never be stopped and never be killed,
I always will survive.

Because you can't kill a man
who's not really alive.

After it's over, I'll start my car
and zip my armor up tight.

Then DRIVE into the mystery,
a shadow in the night.

A Poetic Defense Of Mr. Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage is in a class by himself.
He's the only mega-actor, there is no one else!

Mega-acting calls for something much more.
Cage doesn't knock, he SMASHES through doors.

He doesn't just chew, he DEVOURS scenery.
A calculated move on his part, I believe.

His bizarre performances are so bad they're good.
But people don't dig him, so he's misunderstood.

Right now he's been down, and he's had some bad luck.
But one day he'll prevail, and tell the haters to shut up.

Some fans have forsaken him, but I'm never gonna.
Now I'm gonna go watch Raising Arizona.