Monday, November 22, 2010

A Predatory Poem About My Favorite Alien Hunter - The Predator!

I want to be a Predator and hunt people for fun.
I'd have some kick ass blades & bad ass laser guns.

I'd hide in plain sight & blast dudes into smoke.
They wouldn't see me comin', 'cause I've got a hi-tech cloak.

I'd hunt in hot climates, like a South American jungle.
If a commando team came in, I'd be ready to rumble.

I'd test their fighting ablilites & survival skills.
Those who failed my challenge, I'd be forced to kill.

If someone defeated me in combat, and I knew I was a goner.
I'd bow my head in respect, for Predators have honor.

Or maybe I'd play a trick & set my self-destruct device.
And I will make no aplogies - Predators don't have to play nice.


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