Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A True Poem About How I Almost Dated A Stripper (NOTE: contains two Star Wars references!)

I almost made a fatal mistake
and went out with a stripper.

She tried to slice into my mind,
like a mental Jack The Ripper.

She had studied some psychology,
but I didn't realize

That she used her skills for evil,
not just to psychoanalyze.

I called her on the phone
and we spoke for many hours.

She tried to seduce my senses,
with her psycho powers.

She told me of her life,
and started to gain my trust.

But when I shared with her,
the plan went into thrust.

Once she had some dirt on me
she tried to launch an attack.

But she didn't know I'm like The Empire,
I know how to STRIKE BACK!

You see, I minored in psychology,
when I was in college.

I'm also like The Jedi,
I use my mind for defense and knowledge.

She thought cause she was cunning and hot
that she could always get her way.

But when she met me,
she met a man who wouldn't play.

She tried to dominate me,
but instead she earned my wrath.

I avoided her evil scheme
and told her to kiss my ass.

I successfully cut all ties,
and she cannot track me down.

Luckily for me,
I'm good at never being found.

I don't care if she was really smart
and also really pretty.

A toilet can be made of gold
but that don't mean it ain't shitty.

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