Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Bionic Poem About How I Want To Be Like My Hero - The Six Million Dollar Man

If I were in a horrific plane crash, like Colonel Steve Austin
Then maybe I could get bionic parts, I think that would be awesome.

I'd have robotic legs and eyes and ears and arms.
Then I could be a hero, and keep the world from harm.

I could survive gunshots, and other powerful blasts.
I when I really needed to, I could run really fast.

If I came across a wall, I could jump really high.
And I could lift real heavy shit and toss it into the sky.

No harm would come to America, not on my watch.
And one of my best friends would be a robotic Sasquatch.

Bad guy would always lose, they'd never see me comin.'
Another special bonus: I'd get to date The Bionic Woman.

p.s. In reality I would die horribly if I were in an experimental plane crash.  But a boy can dream, can't he?

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