Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Metal Thrashing Mad Poem About How Scott Ian Ruined Anthrax.

Even if you have no interest in metal or Anthrax, I encourage you to read this poem because it tells a complete story that is based on TRUE events.  I am very proud of it.

Also, I saw the John Bush version of Anthrax live on two occasions with my buddy Matt.  So this one goes out to him!

Scott Ian, you turd, what have ye done?
Not long ago,you were metal's favorite son.
Now it's up to me,to relate a sad story.
Of how he ruined Anthrax in a desperate bid for glory.

He had dreams of the 80s, when he was young & rich.
So he appealed to Sharon Osbourne, that money grubbing bitch.
She said she'd put Anthrax on The Ozzfest, but on one condition.
The original 'Thrax must hit the stage, they'd sell it as a reunion.

They'd have to get back together with Joey Belladonna.
If Scott had balls he would have said, "No, I'm not gonna!"
Instead he drove that great singer, John Bush, from the band.
And with this shitty act, he betrayed the hardcore fans.

Let me say right now, John Bush w/Anthrax was excellent.
If you don't like those albums, you can go get bent.

So they got Joey back, and thought they'd passed the test.
And then that ho-bag Sharon didn't put them on Ozzfest.
Scott's efforts were for naught, it's sad but also funny.
The band still toured with Belladonna, and made a little bit of money.

But it didn't last long, Joey Belladonna just ain't cool.
So then they found this other guy, and he was a total tool.
His vocals ripped off John Bush, his name I can't remember.
He got kicked out of the band for SHITTING on another memeber.

John Bush won't come back, he's had a better fate.
He rejoined his previous band, the great Armored Saint.
But Anthrax is now shattered, in a constant state of flux.
And it's all Scott Ian's fault, I think he totally sucks.

p.s. I am not making this up - the rip off John Bush took a dump on Frank Bello while he was asleep on their tour bus.  He thought it would be funny.  He was wrong.

p.p.s.  As of this writing, Joey Belladonna is back in the band.  The horror...the horror....

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